While I had big ambitions to do productive things like assemble the text and photos for my CD cover art, instead I ended up writing two country songs. WHAT??? Why am I writing country songs??? Oh well. The ideas just came to me, and I thought they'd be good songs. They're kinda OK songs anyway. I think they need some work, especially since they sound suspiciously similar, but nonetheless I wrote them, at least the first drafts, and spent time making YouTube videos of them for you instead of working on my album art.
People have asked me, "Why don't you write happy songs?" And I said, "I wrote a happy song once, I think. I can't remember where I put it..." Anyway, it's much easier to write sad songs, so I guess it's kind of a cop out. As Fiona Apple said in this interview on the Late Late Show, when you're happy you don't want to stay home alone writing songs, you want to go out with your friends.
So anyway here are the new songs. What do you think?